Tuesday, May 3, 2011

South East Tennis Center - Tennis Ball 2011

WOW! How else do you explain having an opportunity to interview Grand Slam Champions Venus and Serena Williams. I had the privilege of interviewing the Williams sisters on Thursday at the 10th Anniversary of the Tennis Center. They were very engaging and wanted to know all about my title, crown and how I decided to compete. They were at the Center for the Grand Opening 10 year earlier and were able to be here for the anniversary to see what a great job the center has been doing. They played tennis with the kids during the day, saw the activities that center provided, which ranged from sewing/design, computer, life skills and of course tennis.  The interviews will be on Comcast/CNN at the top of the hour and bottom of the hour by the end of the month.
Photo #1: Sandra and Serena - Photo # 2: Sandra, Venus and Sandra's Husband Kenneth Grier. Thanks to my wonderful husband for accompanying me on these adventures.

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